var express = require('express') , app = express.createServer() , nodemailer = require('nodemailer') /* , amazonses = require('amazon-ses') */ , exec = require('child_process').exec , spawn = require('child_process').spawn , Stream = require('stream') , config = require('./config.js') /* var SendGrid = require('sendgrid').SendGrid; var sendgrid = new SendGrid( process.env.SENDGRID_USERNAME || '', process.env.SENDGRID_PASSWORD || 'd0y4yjqn' ) */ var redis; if (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'production') redis = require('redis-url').connect(process.env.REDISTOGO_URL); else redis = require('redis-url').connect(); // Express config app.set('views', __dirname + '/views'); app.set('view engine', 'jade'); app.use(express.cookieParser()); app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); app.use(express.bodyParser()); // App /* Homepage */ app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send("it's running"); });'/text', function(req, res) { var keystr = req.connection.remoteAddress + '_' + dateStr(); redis.incr(keystr, function(err, num) { if (err) { res.send({success:false,message:'Could not validate IP quota.'}); return; } if (num < 501) { sendText(req.body.number, req.body.message, function(err) { if (err) res.send({success:false,message:'Communication with SMS gateway failed.'}); else res.send({success:true}); }); } else { res.send({success:false,message:'Exceeded quota.'}); } }); }); function dateStr() { var today = new Date(); var dd = today.getDate(); var mm = today.getMonth()+1; var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); return mm + '/' + dd + '/' + yyyy; } function validatePhone() { } function sendText(phone, message, cb) { var actual_phone = phone.replace(/\D/g, ''); console.log('txting phone', actual_phone); console.log('msg', message); //var child = process.createChildProcess('sendmail', ['-f""', '""']); var child = spawn('sendmail', ['-f', '', '']); child.stdout.on('data', console.log); child.stderr.on('data', console.log); child.on('exit', function(code, signal) { cb(code !== 0); }); child.stdin.write(message); child.stdin.end(); /* sendgrid.send({ to: '', from: '', subject: 'a', text: 'Sending email with NodeJS through SendGrid!' }, function(success, data) { if (!success) { console.log(data); } else { console.log('message sent'); } cb(!success); }); */ /* var ses = new amazonses(,; ses.send({ from: '' , to: [''] , replyTo: [''] , subject: '' , body: { text: ' Test mesg' } }, function(err, data) { if (err) { console.log(data); } else { console.log('message sent'); } cb(err); }); */ /* var transport = nodemailer.createTransport("SES", { AWSAccessKeyID:, AWSSecretKey:, ReturnPath: '', }); */ /* var transport = nodemailer.createTransport("Sendmail"); var mailOptions = { transport: transport, // transport method to use from: "", // sender address to: '', subject: '', // Subject line text: message, ReturnPath: '', } */ /* nodemailer.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error){ if (error) { console.log(error); cb(true); } else { console.log("Message sent!"); cb(false); } transport.close(function(){}); // shut down the connection pool }); */ } var port = process.env.PORT || 8080; app.listen(port, function() { console.log('Listening on', port); });